Book Club Discussion Questions

  1. Which character did you relate to, or empathize with, the most? What was it about them that spoke to you?
  2. Which character did you dislike or disagree with the most, and why?
  3. Are there any characters you’d like to deliver a lecture to (to instruct or to tell off)? If so, who? What would you say?
  4. What surprised you most in the story, and why?
  5. What was the most challenging or difficult part of the book for you to read or understand? How did you overcome it?
  6. When Jennifer asked Hope if Michael was a good man, Hope said ‘yes’ without hesitation. Do you agree that Michael was a good man? Why or why not?
  7. Who (or what) was the villain in this book?
  8. How do you think Hope’s life would have been different if her mother hadn’t died?
  9. If you are a Christian, did you recognize the Christianity portrayed in Virtuous Women? Parts of it? How do feel about sharing the label “Christian” with people who live according to the beliefs shown in this book?
  10. If you encountered a man who followed the beliefs of Church of the Covenant, what would you say to him? What would you say to a woman who followed those beliefs?
  11. Did the book change your opinion about anything, or did you learn something new from it? If so, what?
  12. How relevant or relatable are the themes or messages of the book to your own life, or to society today?
  13. What was the most satisfying part of the story, and why? What was the most disappointing part?
  14. Are there lingering questions from the book you’re still thinking about? What are they?
  15. How did you feel about the ending? Was it satisfying, or did you want more?

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